Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where can I get ______?? (I know, I know!!)

If anyone wants to know where to get food items, or can help someone else find something, please comment here...

does anyone know where can we get:

wild rice
oat groats
white flour (for pastries)


Anonymous said...
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DoorDreamers said...

Canola oil can be purchased from Botanic Oil in Spooner, Wisconsin. It's made from Wisconsin-grown rapeseed, and processed 300 miles from Door County...and it's the closest vegetable oil manufacturer. You can order directly from them by contacting info@botanicoil.com

Virge Temme said...

Does anyone know where to get real mustard...or locally-grown mustard seed?

DoorDreamers said...

I'm making my own vinegar. It should be ready in October. I used saur kraut juice instead of vinegar in a cooked salad dressing that was edible but not very nice on lettuce. Actually it isn't bad on potatoes. You folks that consume alcohol, could you substitute wine for vinegar in salad dressing? Let me know how it works.

DoorDreamers said...

HyLine Orchard makes and sells both apple cider and cherry cider vinegars. They are currently out of apple cider vinegar. The cherry cider vinegar I bought from them was still a bit alcoholic, so I am leaving it open to the air with some cheesecloth over the mouth of the jar to let it "process" a bit more. I am using the vinegar I made from Robertson's Orchard. It is yummy. Rick and Stella canned pickles for me using it in the brine. I am "making" more vinegar now, using the "mother" from the first batch which should make it go faster.

DoorDreamers said...

That last comment was from me, Ann.