Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How about a potluck?

Would all you Challengers (and future possible Challengers or other locavores) be interested in having a potluck to share our bounty? I think it might be fun to get together at one of the parks, to get to know one another and share recipes, great finds...maybe even bring your favorite farmer.

What do you think? Shall we plan for this...maybe toward the end of July?


Pam in Namur said...

Virge - great idea. If I'm free, I'm in.

DoorDreamers said...

Local foods potluck picnics take place regularly on 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Wind & Sun Farm in Clay Banks through August. The next one is July 10th. The grill is started at 6:00 pm. Bring meat for you and your family and a dish to pass. Non-alcoholic beverages, plates, cups, silverware are provided. Also if you have excess produce to barter or sell, bring it along as well. Questions? Contact Ann or John Hippensteel.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good....anybody care to have host a potluck in addition to the Wind & Sun Farm?